Restricting library access to a federated target

Many federated search targets are paid for through a subscription. Because of this, if you are managing a consortium or other system of multiple libraries, you might need to restrict access of certain federated targets to only those libraries that have subscribed to the database. Search Target Restrictions lets you select which libraries in your system have access to a federated search target. When patrons from a library that does not have access to the target attempts to view results from that target, they will receive a message informing them that they cannot access the results unless they log in to a subscribing library.

To specify which libraries can have access to a federated target

  1. Login to the Admin console.
  2. Choose Federated Search Sources.
  3. Choose the Search Targets option next to the search source you want to restrict.
  4. Choose the Edit Target Restrictions option next to the search target you want to restrict.
  5. If the library you want to include uses the Horizon ILS, enter the library's ID in the Location ID field, then choose Add.

    The library's location ID is added to the Available list.

    Note: Libraries that use the Symphony ILS already display in the Available list.

  6. In the Available list, select the library you want to give access to the target, then choose the Add arrow, to move it to the Selected list.

    Note: If no libraries are selected, Portfolio gives all libraries in the Available list access to the search target. This also includes access to all Horizon libraries, even if they have not been added to the Available list. However, as soon as a library (Horizon or Symphony) is added to the Selected list, no other libraries will have access to results of the federated target.

  7. When you have finished, choose OKto save the restrictions and return to Search Targets.

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